Sunday, April 24, 2011

Truth Speaks

I have been accused of having selective hearing, I only hear what I want to hear.  Sometimes that is true, but I say I have focused hearing, I only hear one thing at a time.  I just choose what that one thing is.  So, If I am watching the ball game, I hear the ball game and nothing else around me.

In some ways, we all have selective believing.  We choose to believe what we want to believe.  Jesus told Pilate, those who are on the side of truth, listen to my voice.  Trusting Christ has a lot to do with what you do with truth.  This morning, in my message, I said that we believe the resurrection by faith, but our faith is not blind faith.  Our faith is a reasonable faith.  There is evidence that demands a resurrection.  If you take the time to investigate the truth claims of the Gospel, you will find that our faith is reasonable.  However, you have to choose to see the truth.  The Lord Jesus Christ has risen from the dead.  He is who He claimed to be. The question is "are you on the side of truth?"  Think about it.

1 comment:

  1. Great message Brother Steve! We have to interact with the truth of the Resurrection and either have faith that it is true or reject it as false. Jesus Christ has risen from the dead! He has risen indeed!! Bob Page
