Monday, July 18, 2011

Repent or Perish

When we hear the words repent or perish, we often associate it with the preaching of the Gospel.  We understand that unless we turn away from our sin and our selves to trust Christ only for our salvation, we face eternal punishment in hell.  We repent (turn) or face eternal death.
These words mean something different for a pastor in Iran.  Pastor Youcef Nadarkhani was sentenced to death by an Iranian Court because he is a Christian who is obedient to Christ's command to go and make disciples of all nations.  The supreme court of Iran reversed the court's decision sending his case back to a lower court.  The court asked Youcef to repent.  It is unclear whether or not the death penalty will be reinstated if he did not repent.  Death Sentence for Pastor

Friends of Youcef doubted that the pastor would recant His faith in Jesus Christ.  He has done so thus far and more than likely will not do so to save his life.  Youcef is an example of faith to us all.  But it reminds me of all the things that cause us to keep silent about our faith.  We are afraid that people will be offended by our message.  We are afraid that we might be mocked.  We are afraid that we might be rejected.  Yet, this pastor and countless other Christians around the world stand firm in their faith in the face of true persecution.  It makes me wonder what would happen to us, if we faced such persecution.  I can only pray that we too would stand.  Pray for those Christians like Youcef who are facing persecution and pray for yourself that God would give you the faith to stand.  Think about it.

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