It looks like the crisis is passing. The congress has worked out a deal to raise the debt ceiling and America will not default on its loans. I am glad that a compromise has been worked out, I haven't read all the details but I am hopeful for the best. It would be nice if our nation would never get to this point again. It would be wonderful if our government would do what each of us must do, live within our means, but that may be too much to ask.
In all of the debate about solving this problem, there was so many predicting the end of the world. I heard one commentator say this would be the end of the world as we know it, if a deal was not reached. The end of the world as we know it, if America defaults on its loans. Don't get me wrong, I love my country but my ultimate hope is not in the security and prosperity of the United States of America.
Isaiah 40:15 states, "All the nations of the world are but a drop in the bucket. They are nothing more
than dust on the scales." No one concerns themselves when one drop spills out of a bucket of water. No one asks the grocer to wipe the dust of the scales because they are afraid that it will make a difference in the weight and cost of their item. No these things are insignificant. Isaiah is saying, all the nations of the world are insignificant in comparison to almighty God.
Every nation rises and falls, but the world continues to turn. Our hope must always be in what is eternal and truly all powerful and that is our Lord. Yes, I am glad a deal was made but that does not change where my hope lies. How about you? Think about it.
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