When I was in school (which is a statement I never thought I would say), we only had to worry about the students cheating. We were told that if you cheated you would be punished. If you were caught cheating, your paper or test was taken from you and you received a "zero". The fear of not receiving any semblance of a good grade kept many students from cheating.
In today's classroom you not only have to worry about students cheating, but teachers and principals as well. Americas Biggest Teaching Scandal According to the news, 178 teachers were caught cheating on their student's standardized tests. Teachers even had cheating parties where they gathered together to erase wrong answers on their students tests. Their reason for cheating, their students had to perform well on the tests in order to show that they had taught their students well.
I'm not going to get into the argument about the necessity and validity of these end of grade tests. I know I did not have to take them growing up and I am very glad I didn't because I don't do well on standardized tests. All I know is that they are required until the law is changed. Their are ways of working to change the law if needed and it does not include cheating. In fact, cheating did them and their studenst more harm than good.
As usual, it did not take long for many of these educators to justify their actions. "It is not our fault, the standardized tests put too much pressure on the teachers." "It just isn't fair to evaluate a teacher's performance on the basis of a grade." I say this is usual behavior because it goes all the way back to the beginning. In the garden of Eden, when Adam and Eve sinned, the first thing they said was "It is not my fault." Adam said it was Eve's fault. And Eve said it was the serpants fault. My failure is never my fault.
The truth is my failure, my sin is always my fault. The bad news is that as long as we continue to justify our behavior and blame everyone and everything but ourselves, we will never find forgiveness for our guilt. It is only when we confess our sin, that is agree with God that what we have done is sinful and it is our fault for doing it, that we can find forgiveness.
1 John 1:9-10 says, "If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. If we say we have not sinned, we make him a liar, and his word is not in us." If you want to find forgivenss from God, then you have to admit that you are a sinner. Until then, you will carry the guilt you have into eternity. In choosing to do so, you are choosing everlasting punishment. But if you can admit your sin, and confess Jesus as your Savior and Your Lord, you can receive everlasting life. Think about it.
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