Norway experienced last week what so many other countries have faced, terrorism. Anders Behring Breivik admitted to setting off a bomb in the capital of Oslo and then heading to a camp where he opened fire. Latest reports say that 76 people were killed in the attack. As people began to investigate who this man is, they saw on his Facebook page that he labels himself, Christian. The media jumped on that and began saying fundamentalist Christians were responsible for this latest attack. In some ways I understand why the media broadcast this news, because most of us who heard about the attack immediately wondered if it were Islamic Extremists behind the attack.
But the question arises was this man who claimed Christianity, really a Christian? I believe that salvation is by grace alone through faith alone in Christ alone. That we cannot earn our salvation by works but only by trusting in the finished work of Christ. Which means people who do terrible things can find salvation in Christ.
However, although salvation is by faith alone, true faith in Christ does produce works. That is those who trust Christ as their Lord and Savior find that they no longer want to head down the former paths of sin but desire obedience to Christ. I am not just talking about external behaviors. Anybody can attend church, give tithes and offerings, and help the poor. The good works that Christ produces in us come from an inner transformation. In Christ we can love our enemies and do good to those who hurt us. We can do so because he produces that kind of love within us. In Christ we can have joy no matter what our circumstance because Christ has filled our hearts with joy.
So was Anders Behring Breivik a Christian? Although I cannot see his heart, I can see his fruit. He hated his enemies and killed so many people because of his hatred. So was he a Christian? His Facebook page answered the question, yes. His fruit answers it no. Think About it.
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