The news cycle these days are filled with the allegations and apologies of Rep. Weiner of New York, who has now admitted to "sexting". That is he has texted lewd pictures of himself via "twitter". He sent these pictures to women other than his wife and I saw a non scientific poll which said that a sizable majority people classified this behavior as adultery. My prayers are with the Representative, not for his political career but for his family and I hope that his marriage can survive all of this.
I am glad that most people see this behavior for what it really is, adultery. But I wonder how many people would agree with Jesus' definition of adultery. Jesus said, "You have heard that it was said, 'You shall not commit adultery.' But I say to you that everyone who looks at a woman with lustful intent has already committed adultery with her in his heart." Matthew 5:27-28 That is if a man for one second longs to be with another woman, or a woman dreams she was with another man, then they have broken the commandment in spirit.
Most people don't like this radical definition because it hits too close to home. If you agree, then you are condemning yourself. Most of us don't like to be condemned. We like being able to say that because I have not "sexted" or had an emotional affair, or slept with someone else, I have never committed adultery. Therefore, I am a good person.
But if I accept Jesus' definition, then I cannot just examine my outward behavior but must look at my heart. Chances are most would say, I am not good. But in God's economy, when I admit that I am not good that is in fact good news. For it is only when I can admit that I am a sinner that I can find salvation. Jesus said that he did not come to call the righteous to repentance but the unrighteous. As long as I can consider myself good, I don't need Jesus. But when I recognize my sin and repent, I can find that God has provided a way.
Christianity is not about being good. Christianity is God's love for bad people. God sent His Son to die to pay for our sins. God sent His Son to live a perfect life so that He could declare us righteous by crediting what His Son did in our account. This can only happen when I admit that I am a sinner, believe that Jesus is God's son who died for my sin, and confess Him as my Savior and Lord. So, how do you see your self. Are you basically a good person. If so, you don't need Jesus. But if you can come to the place in your life where you can admit that you are a sinner, you are on the path to salvation. Think about it.
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