Monday, May 23, 2011

Tornadoes, Floods, and the Judgment of God

After watching the devastation caused by tornadoes in Joplin Missouri and seeing the floods along the Mississippi River many people ask where was God in all this.  Some answer the question by saying there is no God, for if there was He would not allow such events to occur.  Although these same people will have insurance that cover "acts of God."  Others answer by saying, God was bringing judgment against sin.  Still others answer, "I don't know."

Obviously these events are not blessings from God but should we say they are God's judgment against sin.  I recognize when you say that it is God's judgment, some will cry out "but good people were hurt by these events".  Even Christians were injured and even killed by these destructive forces.  How could one call this judgment.

The answer lies in seeing judgment not as individual but as corporate.  There are tornadoes, floods, hurricanes, and tsunamis in the world because sin is in the world.  God created this world and in the beginning, nature was never designed to create such cataclysmic forces.  But when sin entered the world through Adam and Eve's sin, then a curse entered the world.  God said in Genesis 3:17, "cursed is the ground because of you;" 

Floods, tornadoes and such events are judgment not on individual sin but on a world that is fallen.  They will occur until Jesus comes again.  But why did God choose to curse this planet.  He did so not merely as punishment but for redemption.  In the midst of these terrible events, God speaks and calls people back to Himself, C.S. Lewis said, "God whispers to us in our pleasures, speaks in our conscience, but shouts in our pains:  it is His megaphone to rouse a deaf world."

It is through these events that God awakens us to Himself.  For some it will be the realization that they can gain the whole world but lose their soul.  For others it will be the compassion of individuals that will drive people to the cross.  By whatever means, God is speaking to people whose lives have been devastated by tragedy and calling them to Himself.  He is taking the worse of all circumstances and redeeming it and bringing something good out of it.

Now I cannot answer the question why were some were devastated by these events and some were spared.  I do not know.  I do know that these events occur and God is greater then them all.  My prayers are with all the people who are hurting.  I am grateful that God is allowing Christians to put feet to our prayers through ministries such as Baptist Men Disaster Relief and Recovery teams who are ministering to the hurts of so many.  I encourage you support such organizations with your offerings and with your volunteering.  We can be the hands of God to comfort the afflicted and bring the hope of the gospel to those in need. Think about it. 

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