Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Giving Thanks

I just returned from a community Thanksgiving Service at Eva Drive Baptist Church and wanted to express my thanks to God for such an awesome worship service.  We had at least 4 churches gathered together to lift up praise to our heavenly father for all that He has done for us in Jesus Christ.  We sang songs of praise that were a mixture of Gospel songs, hymns and contemporary.  We prayed, testified and heard one of  the most powerful messages about thanksgiving that I have ever heard.

What was even more special was that the message was given by my dad, Don Davis.  Dad is just a little over a month short of being 79 years old but had the energy of a 20 year old as he preached in the power of the Holy Spirit. His message was from Psalm 100 and it reminded us that Thanksgiving is an action.

So I just wanted to share a few things for which I am thankful:

I am thankful that Jesus said "It is Finished".  I am thankful that my salvation is not dependent upon my faithfulness, but upon His. I am thankful that my salvation was completed at the cross and sealed at the resurrection.  I am thankful to be able to say that I am saved, I am being saved and one day I will be saved.  I am thankful that the hope that I have in Christ is secured.

I am thankful for a wife that loves me and stands by my side.  I am thankful for her love for Jesus that is seen in how she loves me.  I am thankful that she is my prayer warrior.  I am thankful for our three children who each love the Lord and serve him in their own way.  I am thankful to be their dad.

I am thankful for parents who love Jesus and who instilled that love into their children.  I am thankful that they are still teaching others that you never retire from serving the Lord.  I am thankful for a brother and a sister that I can still look up to.

I am thankful for generations past.  I am thankful for the foundation that was laid in my families life through both mine and my wife's grandparents.  I am thankful for my mother in law, Frances who has gone home to be with the Lord.  I am thankful for how much she taught me to enjoy life.

I am thankful for a church that demonstrates the love and grace of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.  I am thankful that they know that it is more important to be the church than go to church.  I am thankful that they have been willing to be a little different and to think outside of the box.  I am thankful that we have learned that outreach happens in the community and not in a building.

I am thankful for so much and I could go on and on.  But now it is your turn.  Take some time to write down and share with someone all the things for which you are thankful.

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