Friday, August 29, 2014

Satan's Best Weapon

When I looked at Facebook© this morning, I saw everyone responding to responding to Victoria Osteen’s recent comments.  I especially enjoyed this video. 

As I heard her comments I wondered why so many people are fooled by her words.  The answer is that Satan’s best weapon is a half-truth.  There is some truth in her words, being obedient to God does bring us joy.  Jesus promised us both joy and abundant life.  Stephen Nichols said, "We were made for God, made with a singular purpose, to glorify Him. And as we glorify Him and as we live for and live toward Him, we find our soul’s true joy."

Victoria Osteen’s problem is that she makes the byproduct or result of living out our purpose, the goal and purpose itself.  God wants us to have joy, obedience brings joy so be obedient not for the glory of God but that it brings you joy.  We are obedient to God because it is right to be obedient and it is our purpose to bring Him glory.  If I do it for my joy, I become God and ultimately lose joy.  If I live for his glory, I recognize Him as God and in the end I have joy.

 Satan twists the truth by taking a kernel of truth out of context and makes it the whole.  We should know that this is his modus operandi, for this is what we see in scripture.  When Satan tempted Jesus, he quoted Jesus.  Satan pulls scripture out of context and twists it for his purposes.  He still does that today and as a church we must be careful to know the whole counsel of God so that we will not fall for half-truths. 

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