Tuesday, April 30, 2013


I have been thinking a lot about holes lately.  No I am not thinking about donut holes, I am referring to the empty space that they left behind.   What gets bigger the more you remove?  The answer is a hole.  A hole does not have to be big in order to be significant.  The significance of the hole is found in what where it is found.  A large hole in a pair of jeans can make it fashionable; a small hole in a shirt can ruin it.

This week, I have been considering holes because there is a hole in the hearts and lives of our family.  Last year, my wife’s mother lost her short but valiant fight with cancer.  In March of 2012, she discovered that she had a brain tumor that had come from non-smokers lung cancer.  On May 02, she passed away.  Her passing has left a pretty large and significant hole in our family.

As you can imagine, this has been a pretty difficult year for our family.  That difficulty comes from learning to deal with the hole in our lives.  So you can understand why I have been thinking about holes.  The good news is that even though there is a big hole in our lives, we are not without hope.  Too often people live with holes in their lives and they don’t know what to do.  A loved one dies and the one left behind cannot keep going.  They live with the hole in their lives and they are so consumed by it that they just can’t seem to move beyond it.  Their lives become the hole.  So how do you learn to live with the hole?

If you have a hole in your jeans (and you don’t want to be fashionable), you patch them.  In order for the patch to be effective, it must be bigger than the hole.  When the patch is one, the hole is still there, but a repair has been made.  When a loved one dies and a hole is created, memories and even other people are not bigger than the hole.  They can fill but they cannot repair.  The only thing that is bigger is Jesus.  When Jesus covers the hole, you still miss the person, but your heart is repaired.  When Jesus is in your life, you not only find strength for today, but you have hope for tomorrow. 

If you have a hole in your life, Jesus can not only fill it, he can repair it.  Trust him today.

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