Saturday, May 26, 2012

On This Memorial Day

Today, Leigh Ann and I attended the funeral of a family friend.  This gentleman was a veteran of a foreign war.  The American Legion participated in the funeral.  As I stood at the cemetery gazing at the flagged draped coffin, with the ringing of the gun salute fading, I listened to the mournful sound of taps being played.  As I listened, I could not help but remember.

I remembered all the men and women who served our country by fighting battles to set us free.  I remembered that many of them fought and came home.  They lived the rest of the their days with the scars of battle, with the memories of bloodshed, and with wounds that time would never really heal, because the wounds were not physical.  They continued to live and love with many of us never giving much thought to the sacrifice they made until the time of their funeral aswe saw the flag draped coffin and remembered.

I remembered the other men and women who fought the same battles and who did not come home.  Their flag draped coffins came home to grieving families whose hearts burst with both pain and pride.  So often we go through life enjoying the freedoms that we have, in many ways taking them for granted because we forget the price that was paid to ensure them.  Except this Memorial Day, I hope that we will choose to remember.  Think About it.

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