As we approach the new year, most of us begin them with resolutions to change something in our lives. It is a perfect time to do so. January is named after the Roman god Janus who had two faces one looking back and one looking ahead. It is the time of year, when we evaluate the past and prepare for the future. As we look back we see things that we do not like. For example, we may not like our weight, our health, our relationships, our spirituality. Therefore, we prepare for the new year resolving to do better, to lose weight, stop smoking, focus on relationships, spend more time in prayer. There is nothing wrong with this exercise, it is good to be able to start over, to begin again.
As a Christian, we have the privilege of a new beginning every day of our lives. Because of the cross and the forgiveness it provides us, we can begin again every day of our lives. We can look back to yesterday and if we have had a bad day, we can focus on the cross and know that every sin that we have committed has been paid for by the blood of Christ. We can confess each sin as well as our sinfulness for even as we live our lives we do so often unaware of our actions and in-actions that are sinful. We can know that God still loves us and start again asking God to help us to develop the spiritual disciplines we need to live out who we are in Christ.
We can look back on good days as well and vow to start again because it is so easy to begin thinking that God is pleased with us because of our goodness rather than the goodness of Christ in us. We can confess to God that even when I think I have a good day, my goodness is not enough for God to approve of me. I can rest on Christ's righteousness alone for God's approval of me. Otherwise, I risk developing a self-righteous attitude.
Each day is a new beginning for each of us. Do you avail upon that grace in your life. Think about it.
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