This morning, I participated in a local 9-11 remembrance ceremony. There were not that many people in attendance, mostly local police, fire and ems personnel. I am sure that in New York, New York and Shanksville, PA there were more crowds. And I have to admit that I may not have been in attendance if I were not participating. Our local ceremony was very simple but also very moving. I wished more people could attend but I understand that people are remembering that day, eleven years ago. I have seen on Facebook many posts reminding us not to forget. That is good. It is good to remember.
We need to remember those who lost their lives so that we can cherish life. We need to remember the first responders who rushed into the World Trade Center to try to save others. Some of these men and women died, some still live with the scars of that day. We need to remember them so that we can be thankful for those who still serve. We need to remember that people attacked us because they hated us and wished to bring this nation down so that we would be ever vigilant. We need to remember the men and women who went to war so that we can remember that freedom is not free. It is good to remember.
Remembering is a very good thing. That is why Jesus told us to remember Him. It was so important that Jesus gave us a ceremony, a meal to help us remember. Some call it communion, others the Lord's Supper, but Jesus gave it to us that we might remember what Jesus did for us. The meal involves all our senses. We can smell the bread and wine, we can see it, feel it, taste it. We hear the words, this is my body broken for you, my blood shed for you. This makes a lasting impression, so that we do not forget. We remember every time that we come to the Table that it is not I but Christ. We are reminded that we are all sinners saved by the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.
It is good to remember, think about it.