Here I am again writing about the phenomenon known as Tim Tebow. I thought last years post would have sufficed, but here we go again. Let me say first, I like Tim Tebow. I like the fact that he is living out his Christian faith and is unashamed of the gospel of Jesus Christ. He is a nice young man who keeps football in perspective. If you are not sure about him, check out this article.
But sometimes things get out of hand and we take things to far. Does God care about football. In one sense yes He does. God cares about football in the sense that there are players who play for His glory. That is these players play their best, follow the rules, and aspire to be great at their sport because they know that they can honor God with their skills and abilities. I believe Tebow is one of those athletes. But before you think that athletes are the only ones who can do this, remember God has given you a vocation (calling). Your vocation may be a teacher, a mechanic, a janitor and yes even a preacher. When you fulfill your calling to the Glory of God you honor Him as well.
But does that mean that God makes sure that Tebow wins games. Quite a few Americans believe so. Even witches are getting into the act. There are a group of witches in Massachusetts casting a spell to send Tebow home from New England a loser. Oh, what folly we choose to believe. To believe that God helps Tebow win is just a teaching of the prosperity Gospel which teaches that God wants us all to be successful and prosperous. Jesus came so that we can be healthy and wealthy. No, Jesus came because we are all sinners who fall short of the glory of God. And the wages of our sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord. Yes we will all be healthy and wealthy one day when Christ returns, but not necessarily today.
So does God care about football. Yes, because he loves His children who play football. There are players on all teams who play for His glory. Some of them will win, some of them will lose. Either way God can be glorified in their lives. The same is true for us. We can be successful or unsuccessful, winners or losers, but God can still be glorified in our lives if we choose to continue to live for his glory. Think about it.