Friday, June 17, 2011

Representative Weiner, Stars and Rehab

Anthony Weiner was caught "sexting".  Before he decided to resign his position, he goes to rehab.  When it was revealed that Tiger Woods had multiple affairs, he went to rehab.  It seems that whenever anyone famous gets into trouble for their behavior, they go to rehab.

Some would say that they do so to gain sympathy with the masses.  I won't be so cynical for I cannot know the thoughts and motivations of individuals.  But I do know that the impression that is given is that people don't believe that we are in control of our behavior.  If we do something wrong, it is really not my fault.  I am sick, I need to be rehabilitated. It was the way I was raised, its my parents fault.  Its the pressure from my job, its my employers fault.  It is the anxieties caused by life, it is societies fault.  Every one is to blame but me.  When there is no one else to blame then I must be sick.

There is good news for our bad behavior.  There is an escape.  When we come to Christ we find that he has saved us from the penalty of sin.  Romans 8:1 says that there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus.  But Jesus has also saved us from the power of sin.  In Christ, sin no longer has mastery over us.

In order to come to Christ, we must admit that we are a sinner.  We must admit that our bad behavior is our fault.  There is no one else to blame but ourselves.  When we can truly admit that we are a sinner, then we can find a Savior.  Think about it.


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