Thursday, May 26, 2011

Words, Oprah, and Harold Camping

The words we use are fraught with meaning.  But what happens from time to time is that we use the same words with each other but change their meaning.  Harold Camping is an obvious example.  Instead of saying He was wrong in his prediction, he changed the meaning of the words.  Most Christians who use the word rapture, mean a physical disappearance of the saints when Jesus comes.  Camping, says now he was right but it was a spiritual coming.  That is on May 21, Jesus chose all who will be saved at the end of the world in October.  As he went onto explain, Camping demonstrated the source of all his predictions.  For he said, there is now no reason for anyone to go to church.  There is no hope, no one else can be saved.  Who else but Satan, would want people to stay out of church, and lose hope that salvation could be found. 

But what does this have to do with Oprah.  Yesterday, as she closed her show after twenty five years, Oprah made reference to God, Jesus, grace, life and hope.  Many Christians celebrated Oprah's coming out and proclaiming her faith in God.  The problem is that Oprah uses the same words but changes the definition.  Oprah admittedly has blended her "baptist" faith with her new age beliefs.  She believes that Jesus came to show us our own Christ consciouness or higher consciousness.  Oprah's gospel is another path to self help.  The gospel of Jesus Christ not only calls us to die to self but teaches us that we cannot do anything to save ourselves.  We must rest totally in the finished work of Christ on our behalf.

Words have meaning.  As Christians we need to be aware that many people in the world use the same words we do, but they may mean something entirely different.  We need to proclaim clearly to all what the gospel is, and explain the words we use.  Otherwise, we take the risk of assuming that someone is saved because they used the right words.  Think about it.

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